Build a beast at Northbridge Library (6-9 years)

Next date: Friday, 04 October 2024 | 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM

Let your imagination run wild and create a beast built to survive.

Discover how animals have adaptations to their environment that help them thrive. Get thinking and get creative as you examine taxidermy animals and photos to design your beast's unique adaptations. You’ll then create a beastly clay model or drawing to take home.

Presented By Willoughby City Bushland services in collaboration with Willougby City Library.

Visitor information

Children under the age of 11 should be supervised by someone over 18 at all times in the Library.

We follow NSW Health guidelines for the health and safety of our community and staff. Please read our Behaviour in the Library and Unaccompained children guidelines before your visit.

This event may be filmed or photographed. Images may be used on Council websites, publications, social media channels and circulated to the press and other media organisations for publication, transmission or broadcast. If you do not wish your image to be published, please notify staff before the event.


  • Friday, 04 October 2024 | 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM


Northbridge Library, 258 Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge, 2063, View Map

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