Behaviour in the Library

1. Overview

Behaviour in the Library is guided by the Library Regulation 2018 made under the Library Act 1939 (NSW).

The following outlines the behaviour that is expected from all library users. The standards ensure that the library is a safe and welcoming community space for all. Staff will use these standards to ensure the library is a welcoming, respectful and safe environment for the community, staff and volunteers. 

2. Staying well

  • Wear a face mask if appropriate physical distance cannot be maintained.
  • If you are feeling unwell, please stay at home and get tested.
  • Practice good hand hygiene.

3. Behaviour in the Library

Please treat others, including Library staff and volunteers, with courtesy and respect and follow our Behaviour in the Library standards.

  • Customers who do not comply with the Behaviour in the Library standards may be asked to leave the library, by library staff or security.
  • Library users must treat others, including Library staff and volunteers, with courtesy and respect.
  • Do not engage in disruptive behaviour, including:
    • disorderly or offensive conduct
    • noise, or activity that interferes with the rights of others
    • physical abuse
    • abusive or threatening language.
  • Feet are not to be placed on the furniture.
  • Leave the library when requested at closing time and during emergency procedures, or if directed.
  • Mobile phones on silent and conversation conducted at an acceptable volume.
  • No photography or filming is allowed in the Library without permission from the Library Manager. Please email any enquiries to
  • You may not engage in soliciting, selling or other commercial activities.
  • You are responsible for your child's safety.
  • Inform Library staff immediately of any risk or potential risk to people or property.
  • The Library has the right to direct visitors to leave the Library and not to re-enter the Library for a specified period.

4. Dress 

  • All library visitors must meet acceptable levels of dress and personal cleanliness.
  • Wearing clothes with offensive images or words that are insulting, threatening or hateful towards anyone is not permitted in the library.
  • Footwear must be worn.

5. Security and personal belongings

  • Do not leave your belongings unattended.
  • The library is not responsible for any loss or damage that may occur to personal belongings.
  • Bags or belongings must not be placed where they may cause injury.
  • Personal devices must be appropriately maintained and safe to use.
  • Power cords must not be placed where they may cause injury to others e.g., across walking areas.

6. Food and drink

  • Drinks in lidded containers may be brought into the library.
  • No food may be eaten in the library.

7. Drugs and alcohol

  • Smoking, including vaporizers, is not permitted in the library.
  • Customers who are intoxicated or under the influence of drugs are not permitted in the library and will be asked to leave.

8. Quiet environment 

Please consider others when in the library.

  • The quiet room is for quiet study only.
  • Excessive noise and disruptive behaviour is not permitted.
  • Mobile phone conversations must be conducted quietly. 
  • Group discussions are not to disturb other users of the library.

9. Library equipment 

  • Furniture must not be moved.
  • Library computers must not be disconnected from power points.
  • Customers must not use their personal software on the Library computers.
  • Customers must not damage or vandalise library material and collections.

10. Internet and social media usage 

Internet usage

  • All users of the library have free access to the internet through the provision of PCs and Wi-Fi. While security measures are in place, internet security cannot be guaranteed.
  • The Library takes no responsibility for any consequences, direct or indirect, arising from customers’ use of particular sites.
  • Customers are not permitted to access, download or print pornographic or other offensive material.
  • Comply with the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995 (NSW).
  • Customers are not permitted to use library computers and networks for unlawful or inappropriate purposes.
  • Customers will be asked to leave the Library for a specified period if inappropriate material is accessed.
  • Unlawful internet use will be reported to the relevant authorities.
  • The library may disclose computer and internet activity to relevant authorities if requested by law enforcement.
  • Customers must be sensitive to the values and beliefs of others when displaying potentially offensive or objectionable information or images on computer screens located in public areas.
  • Parents are required to monitor PC and internet access for children under 14 years.

Social media

You must not use the Library’s internet to:  

  • Post content that is insulting, threatening or hateful towards anyone.
  • Abuse, defame, insult or intimidate anyone.
  • Spam, advertise or promote any commercial businesses.
  • Post content that is an infringement of intellectual property rights, including copyright.

11. Copyright

12. Tutoring in the Library

Tutoring for fees

  • Commercial tutors (ie, where there is a fee charged for tutoring) are able to operate within one of the Library’s hireable spaces.
  • Tutoring for fees in the open area of the library is prohibited under the Library Act (Library Regulation 2018, Part 3 Clause 14).
  • Part 3 Clause 17 of the Library Act also states that a Library user may be directed to leave the library if the person has contravened any provision of this Part.

Volunteer tutors

  • Volunteer tutors (ie, where no fee is charged for tutoring) can apply for permission from the Library via email
  • Please include your name, organisation, dates and times of tutoring and contact details.

13. Animals 

  • Only registered assistance animals can be brought into the Library.
  • Proof of registration may be required.