Embrace Kids is an uplifting film by Taryn Brumfitt (Embrace, 2016) which brings together a vibrant collection of stories from young people and famous friends alike, who share their experiences about body image, bullying, gender identity, advocacy, representation and more. This film aims to improve the body image of young people across Australia and the world.
Equally engaging for both adolescents and their parents, this film inspires, educates andadvocates for a world where we are not held back by the thoughts we have about the way we look. Instead, young people are encouraged to figure out what makes them unique and special, and use that to spark change.
At the end of the film there will be a relaxing craft activity for kids, based on the film’s messages.
The running time of the film is 79 minutes and will include closed captions.
Embrace Kids is rated G, with consumer advice of 'very mild coarse language and references to bullying and discrimination’.
Visitor information
Children under the age of 11 should be supervised by someone over 18 at all times in the Library.
We follow NSW Health guidelines for the health and safety of our community and staff. Please read our Behaviour in the Library and Unaccompained children guidelines before your visit.
This event may be filmed or photographed. Images may be used on Council websites, publications, social media channels and circulated to the press and other media organisations for publication, transmission or broadcast. If you do not wish your image to be published, please notify staff before the event.