Naremburn Book Locker

The Library’s book locker is moving! Pick up your library books at the local Naremburn shops soon.

We're excited to announce the Library’s book locker is relocating to the Naremburn shops. From Sunday 30 June, the book locker will be temporarily closed while we transition. Don't worry, book borrowing and returns will resume soon at Quiamong Street, Naremburn.

Q&A: Book locker relocation

1. Why is the book locker has relocated?

To improve the accessibility of library services for the local community and to potentially increase usage of the locker and library services overall.

 2. When is the relocation happening?

We expect the relocation will be completed in July 2024.

 3. Will the library be closed during the relocation?

No, Naremburn Library will remain open and accessible. Only book locker is being moved.

4. Will after-hours access remain available to library members at the Naremburn Community Centre?

No, after-hours access will no longer be available.

5. How will the locker work at the new location?

There will be no changes to how the locker will work in the new location. You can visit the library website or app for specific instructions or ask library staff.

6. WilI I still be able to borrow library materials during the relocation of the locker?

Yes, absolutely. The Naremburn Library will remain open and operational. And you can still borrow and return library materials at any Willoughby City Library.

7. Who can I contact for more information?

You can talk to staff at any Willoughby City Library, call the library on 02 9777 7900 or email