Tennis (1926-1950)

Author  Angus D B Caporn
Date Range 1926-1950
Subject Tennis; Tennis Court

Excerpt transcribed verbatim from Mr Caporn’s handwritten memories

I had completed school by 1941 so by 1942 I was employed as an apprentice fitter and turner at the NSW Government Railways. Whilst we were still living at Chatswood, Ashley Street, the only sport I really liked [was tennis] so my mother arranged for me to learn at Vic Edwards’ courts at East Roseville. Roughly opposite to 136 [Ashley Street?], and further to the east, was a grass tennis court owned by a Mrs Bowers, so I approached her one day, about 1937/1938, to see if I could use her grass court, which she agreed, so I ran my tennis club, about four or five players, for a year or so.