The Dog and the Pet Show (1936-1943)



Author  Brian Day
Date Range 1936-1943
Subject Billy Hughes (MP); Chatswood Oval; Pet Show

My brother Barry wanted a bike so Dad bought him a beautiful English 24 inch ‘Halford’ that had been in the window of our bootmaker, Ernie Brown’s, shop for £3 ($6.00). While living at our family’s green grocer shop at 373 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood, Barry was given a pup.

Having acquired a bicycle that had a carrier on the back, Barry put a pad on it and trained his dog to ride pillion. He rode all over the district with the dog and even as far afield as Manly. People were asking me about it even 20 years later, long after the dog had died.

On Saturday in about 1941 there was a pet show at Chatswood Oval with various sections such as prettiest and ugliest pet. People turned up in droves with all manner of pets, including my brother, Barry, with his dog riding on the back of his bike. He won 2nd prize for ‘most interesting pet’ and came home with the inscribed red ribbon.

I remember that Billy Hughes, our local Member of Parliament (from 1922 to 1949) was there asking the crowd for money to provide amenities for the soldiers fighting in Europe. Billy Hughes was the longest serving member for North Sydney - 27 years. When the new electorate of Bradfield was created in 1949, he became their member, and later died in office. He was once asked “Billy, you have been a member of every party except the Country Party (now National). Why is that?” He replied “You have to draw the line somewhere”.