Online Community Language Resources

4 Result(s) Found

Tech Savvy Senior videos in Mandarin and Cantonese

長者技通視頻 (普通話和粵語)

Zoom 應用程式入門 (Introduction to Zoom)
智能手機入門 (Introduction to smartphones)
智能手機入門 - 應用程式 (Introduction to smartphones - apps)

Tech Savvy Seniors

Transparent Language Online

Transparent Language Online is a complete language-learning system with courses and lessons designed to build listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Sign up to Transparent Language to get started.

Transparent Language Online是一個完整的網上語言學習系統,其中包括旨在培養聽、說、讀、寫技能的課程。 您在Transparent Language註冊後,即可開始學習此課程。

Transparent Language Online

Dragonsource: eMagazines in Chinese

A selection of popular magazines in Simplified Chinese that you can read online. Log in with your library card.



eBooks and eAudiobooks in Mandarin and Cantonese


Indyreads provides access to a state-wide collection of independent Australian and international titles, classic literature and modern award-winning titles in eBook and eAudio format. There are titles in community languages including Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish and Vietnamese.




Movies and documentaries in Mandarin and Cantonese.



Japanese Kids Time

Enjoy crafts, songs and learn simple words in Japanese.


Transparent Language online

Transparent Language online is a complete language-learning system with courses and lessons designed to build listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Sign up to Transparent Language to get started.

Transparent Language online (トランスパレント ラングェジ オンライン) は、スピーキング、聴解、読書、文章のスキルを構築するために設計されたコースとレッスンを備える言語学習システムです。始めるために、Transparent Language onlineにサインアップしてください。

Transparent Language online


Movies and documentaries in Japanese.

日本語 映画・ドキュメンタリー


Tech Savvy Seniors videos in Korean

컴퓨터 입문

줌 소개 (Introduction to Zoom), 스마트 폰 소개 (Introduction to smartphones), 스마트폰 앱 소개 (Introduction to smartphones - apps).

Tech Savvy Seniors

Transparent Language Online

Transparent Language Online is a complete language-learning system with courses and lessons designed to build listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Sign up to Transparent Language to get started.

‘트랜스패런트 온라인 언어’ 는 온라인으로 듣기, 말하기, 읽기 그리고 쓰기 능력을 위한 코스들과 수업들로 디자인된 언어를 배울 수 있는 프로그램입니다. 트랜스패런트 언어 프로그램 시작을 위해 등록하세요.

Transparent Language Online


Movies and documentaries in Korean.

한국어 영화 및 다큐멘터리


LOTE4Kids is a database of digital books in over 60 languages, created for children to enjoy books in languages other than English. Every book comes with an English translation to help children learn language. New books and languages are released each month, and fun online games are also available to play.

To access LOTE4Kids, please do one of the following:

  • Visit LOTE4Kids on your web browser.
  • Download the LOTE4Kids app from your app store.

Log into LOTE4Kids using your Library card number. Please make sure to include 'X' when entering your Library card number. 

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