Learn the skills and knowledge of basic First Aid plus Mental Health to support those around you. This activity is held across two sessions - it is important to attend both sessions to complete your training.
Session 1 - Thursday 16 June, 9:30am - 2:30pm
Session 2 - Friday 17 June, 9:30am - 2:30pm
This 2-day course delivers basic instruction in the assessment and application of:
• First aid for casualties
• The initial response to an emergency injury or illness
• How to confidently perform cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) that may be required in any of the above situations
• Use an automated external defibrillator (AED) and accurately handover vital details of the incident to emergency response personnel.
You will also learn how to understand and support people with mental health issues.
• First Aid theory pre course work will be sent the week prior to the course and must be completed and returned on day 1 of course
• An appropriate level of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills is required to enrol in this course. Macquarie Community College may conduct an LLN assessment as part of the enrolment process.
Fee-Free* — eligibility criteria applies.
Training is delivered and assessed by Macquarie Community College, RTO ID 90033.
*This training is subsidised by the NSW Government.
Eligibility Criteria
• Be aged 15 years or older, and
• Live or work in New South Wales, and
• No longer be at school, and
• Be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, New Zealand citizen, humanitarian visa holder or a partner visa holder whose sponsor is a current or past humanitarian visa holder.
Additional eligibility requirements are as follows (evidence may be required):
Meet the criteria of a disadvantaged student, i.e. one of the following:
• An Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
• Someone with a disability or is the dependent child, spouse or partner of someone with a disability
• A recipient of an Applicable Benefit, or is the dependent child, spouse or partner of a recipient of an Applicable Benefit
• Someone who is experiencing significant hardship as verified by a government agency, medical professional or support agency
• Someone who has English as an additional language and who is unable to effectively participate in the community or in employment.
AND is experiencing one of the following barriers to participation in training under a Smart and Skilled:
• Entitlement Program or other Smart and Skilled program
• Very low language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills
• Limited employability skills where students require considerable additional support
• Persistent and ongoing personal issues impacting on educational achievement
• Significant educational disadvantage impacting upon student’s ability to succeed in training.
Please register now to receive your enrolment form which must be fully completed and submitted by Thursday 9 June, 2022.
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