Bookings required. Suitable for children 3-6 years. 必須報名, 此活動適合3-6 三至六 歲兒童.
Regular sessions in 2025:
2月3日(3 February)Chinese New Year Celebration農曆年慶祝, 3月3日(3 March)Seniors Festival Celebration 長者節慶祝, 4月7日(7 April), 5月5日(5 May), 6月2日(2 June),
7月14日(14 July), 8月4日(4 August), 9月1日(1 September), 10月13日(13 October), 11月3日(3 November), 12月1日(1 December)
Monday 10am-10:30 am 週一上午 10 點至 10 點 30 分
Bookings for 2025 February session open on Friday, 3 January at 9am. 2025年2月活動將於 1月3日上午九時開始報名
One ticket is for one child and one adult only. Parents or guardians do not need to book a ticket for themselves. 一張票可以供一名兒童和一名成人使用。孩子的成年照顧者不需再登記一張票。
V isitor Information
We follow NSW Health guidelines for the health and safety of our community and staff. Please read our Conditions of Entry and Unaccompanied children guidelines before your visit. 進入本館: 為了我們的社區和員工的健康及安全,我們遵循NSW Health的指南。 請在您訪問之前閱讀我們的入館條件和無人陪伴兒童指南。
Children under the age of 11 should be supervised by someone over 18 at all times in the Library. 11歲以下的兒童必須有一位18歲以上的成年人陪同。
This event may be filmed or photographed. Images may be used on Council websites, publications, social media channels and circulated to the press and other media organisations for publication, transmission or broadcast. If you do not wish your image to be published, please notify staff before the event. 本次活動可能被拍攝或錄影, 圖像可能在市議會的網站, 出版物或社交媒體上使用,並傳播給新聞界和其他媒體組織以供出版或傳播。 如果您不希望您的圖片被發布, 請在活動前告知工作人員。